Monday 18 November 2013


18 NOVEMBER 2013

No, I haven't made a spelling mistake, I really did mean to say 'vagina'. I love meaningful art, especially feminist art, and The Great Wall of Vagina by British artist Jamie McCartney is just that. The 400 plaster casts of vulvas were individually taken from women from a variety of different backgrounds, including women aged 18 to 76 years old, pre and post natal women, mothers, daughters and transgendered men. 

The aim of this 10 panel piece is to demystify the vagina, challenging the image of the 'perfection' portrayed through erotic art and pornography that leads women to undervalue themselves and have a distorted body image. More recently, such a body image has caused women to turn to extreme and dangerous labiaplasty surgery to achieve 'normality'. McCartney's piece illustrates the variety of nature and shows that when it comes to vaginas, there is no 'normal'. Each woman is unique, and unique is beautiful. 

You can find out more about The Great Wall of Vagina here, where you can also view all 10 panels and see just how beautifully varied we really are.     

LOVE | Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Hey Han. I've got to hand it to you your blog is interesting, adventurous,daring and eclectic.Keep it up girl! Keep it up!
